Thursday, January 28, 2010

A quest that's always been on my TO DO list. Believe it or not...

So I have decided to petition my aunt to migrate to the US as a non-immigrant. I am trying to get her here on a tourist visa. Much to my dismay, it involves all kinds of bureaucratic process just to file the darn B1 visa(tourist visa) First, I had to call USCIS to get some information on eligibility, then they referred me to CBP for visa information, then CBP told me to call the NVC ( National Visa Center) AND the U.S embassy in the Philppines. So here I am, have started a quest, an exhausting quest may I say..

So start with a bunch of reading. What to do as a first step, collaborate with my aunt as far as what she needs to give me. Every alien that comes to the US (non immigrant)shall be presumed to be an immigrant--meaning that the person is intending on staying permanently. Therefore, every applicants that they received are under extreme scrutiny.

In order for me to petition my aunt to come here, she needs to build a case and a compelling reason for her to return to the Philippines. Meaning, a strong ties to her financial assets, family, property etc.. In other words, a good case to convince the US consulate that she will return and that she will not over extend her visa.

So I've gotten myself this little mission lately and that is to petition her. As most of you might think and ask why on earth is it so darn intricate to come here? Well, I think you have to have some major exposure to foreign countries and U.S immigration, international policy and knowledge to really comprehend this. Which in my case, I have quite a bit since this is what I have to go through in order for me to come here and eventually become a citizen. After 11 years, I have finally become a U.S citizen. But that's beside the point right now.

Back to the topic about me petitioning my aunt: I called her today and told her to start gathering those important documents. Documents such as her deeds for her properties (land, house etc). Proof of her employment that shes been for 20 years, retirement funds statement that she will be drawing as a Filipino citizen, birth certificate of her two children, and basically ANYTHING that will prove that she intends on returning and have ALL THESE reasons to return!

See, I came from a huge family. I've always been around people growing up. My surrounding was always vibrant, busy, fun, messy, loud, interesting and chaotic!! Being a solitary was never me. I've always like being around people. This is not only culturally but it's also part of me that grew up with 9 siblings that hates being hermitical. I have a profoundly extrovert personality....I'm not a loner. That's obvious by now...As I was explaining this to my roommate tonight, there's a reason why the depression rate, alcoholism problems are low in the Philippines. If you're constantly surrounded by a lot of your family and friends, even your worst stress can diminish just by having those people to laugh with, come home to, and complain at. (Getting side track again here)...My point is....I realized that I cannot possibly bring everyone here. But right now, it would be nice to have my dear aunt here. She's a wonderful woman and she taught me a lot of things...I want her to visit me since school is out right now and she's a teacher. Hoping to get her a tourist visa and what not.

This should be interesting dealing with the U.S embassy in Manila while I'm here. Granted that it is the US embassy, the people that answers the phone when I call are filipinos and man, it is sometimes hard to understand them. I attempted talking to them in Tagalog but as a policy, they are require to communicate in English. So you see where I am going with this...haha. Okay...I'm bad.

I'm hoping this will be an uneventful process for everyone. I wish there's such a thing as buying her the plane ticket, tell her to go to the airport and hop on the plane. NOPE!!! This is only possible if you want to go to some unknown, non progressive third world country...Not if you want to set foot in the U.S! Which I totally understand fully.... This IS the best, most elite country in the world after all! The government and the constitution has it right by having this kind of immigration law and policy. After all, it is NOT a right to come here but it is rather a priviledge.

I'm glad and grateful that I've became a U.S citizen. Just wish that my family back in the Philippines are too! How wonderful would that be if they're all here!!!

Alright..that's my random thoughts..Not too mundane this time (I hope)...haha.

Gosh..I love blogging. I can say whatever I want...LOL.

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