Wednesday, February 24, 2010

More randomness

Here's a bunch of random thoughts for tonight. Certain situations that I've ran into lately has given me a better understanding of my own personality and my own perception of the world...Experiences on the daily basis--some are funny, crazy, happy, disappointing, hopeful and some are even shocking. I'm amaze how much I'm learning different things everyday along with learning a different side of me.

When I'm being put to the test, situation and challenges, whether it's benign or critical, I sometimes get shock with my own ability to response appropriately...

Bubbly, (and this is going to sound so cliche) but I love to laugh and make people laugh. I find such joy in making someone smile and laugh. It's a talent of mine to turn a stressful/tense situation into something funny and repose.

Talking about funny. Here's another Jamie moment that most people would undoubtedly expect from me. Especially those who knows me well--knows that I am never dull to be around. There's always something to laugh about and talk about whenever you're around me.

So another moment of mine lately involved realizing that my dear customer at the bank had accidentally taken the copy of the document that I was supposed to keep for my own record--a very important record that I get whenever I process this kind of transaction. After handing him everything, it dawn on me that there's something missing--the copy that I was supposed to keep for my record. The minute I realized this, I immediately locked my work station, sprinted to the door to see if I could catch him but he was no longer in the building. I looked across the street and there he was, he made it all the way to the other side of the street. Trying not to lose sight of him, I had to run across the street while yelling "Mr. Smith!!!" (last name had been change for privacy purposes)....I haven't ran that fast in a long time with my heels on!!! Again, I was amazed how talented I was at doing this. I got the traffic to comply by doing the stop hand gesture. (Whew!!)
I finally made it across the street and this time, someone saw that I was chasing Mr. Smith all the way from across the street and they helped me got his attention. Mr. Smith finally stopped and I was able to catch up to him. Out of breath and exhausted, I told him he needed to give me the other copy of the document that I gave him. He was so sweet and asked if I was okay. He made a joke that he never had such gorgeous woman chasing after him before. Literally chasing him down the street. Fortunately, he works at the hospital across the street and he walked to get to the bank.

I got the copy that I needed, shoke his hands, thanked him and finally walked back to the bank.

This entire time, my best friend (who's also my co-worker)was watching me in the camera from the break room. She was on her lunch break and she saw me sprinted out of the door and ran across the street. Extremely eager to tell her the ordeal that I had just gone through, she just laugh and told me she watched me the entire time in the camera....

Such an insane day that was. I know that someday wherever my path takes me, and what my destiny will be, I will always treasure this memory. This part of my life right now is definitely VERY INTERESTING in all sorts of way...The adjustment that I had to quickly adapt and get used to. Moving here from California almost three years ago, now living in the south and working in downtown Birmingham was something I never projected. The future has a lot of unforeseeable situation and this is one of those..What to do?? Roll with the punches.....

The point of the matter is, everyday is a surprise to me. I am finding more irony in every situation that I encounter--mundane routine turns into something more interesting. Why shouldn't it be? Life is too serious as is whenever you find yourself in situations that is not necessarily life threatening, I'd say laugh it out. Mix some humor into it, handle the serious part and the rest should be fairly simple.

More randomness as of today, as I was driving 280 today, (the worst traffic in Birmingham), I thought I'd fill my curiosity by asking one of the workers what they're doing/planning exactly. I was hoping for something productive that can reduce traffic, which could potentially lead to less aggravated drivers, equals healthy sanity gain by everyone who's on the road, minus road rage from a filipina chicks (that would be me). I decided to ask the guy (while traffic was stop) what's the deal with the ongoing road work on 280...Much to my dismay, I didn't get the answer that I was hoping to hear. Apparently, there's such a thing now as classified road works. They can't disclose to the public if they're building new infrastructure. I wonder how much does that really matter. Given the fact that it's public project, I think the public has every right to know if a zoning and demolishing is about to happen?. Isn't this part of a city ordinance to disclose???...

All I got from him was.."Sorry I'm not allowed to tell you". It's not such a taboo my man, it's apparent that you guys are working on the road. Perhaps a simple answer such as "working on making the traffic tolerable for everyone" would've suffice. Whatever the case, I drove away with a straight face...

Why everything has to be a secret nowdays. Too many secrets in this world already. Perhaps, I'm too much of an open book that my personality cannot bare and tolerate secrets. Everything must be revealed!!!! It brings me comfort to know the unknown... Unknown scares me...I must know everything and everyone, and everyone and everything must know me...Ok...Time to step away from Mr. Dell (my laptop) and do something more productive such as putting dishes and toys away.

One last thing...I am stoke that tomorrow is Thursday. This week went fast.!!! Oh yea..lately, I've been so obsess at listening to this song. It's a beautiful song and when I heard it on the radio, it captivated me. is is:

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