Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sailing along

Going to summarize everything that has happened the past two days. Friday was pretty hectic. I was supposed to leave town to go to Huntsville Thursday night but due to the weather condition, I was told by my manager to wait until the following morning. Thursday night, I didn't get much sleep at all. Probably a total of 3 hours.

Woke up the following morning, reported to work just to find out that I had to leave that morning to go to Huntsville to attend my first day of training as a Personal Banker. Went to my office and grabbed the stuff I needed to bring. There's a banker there who's spotting me while I'm gone; needless to say, it's quite strange seeing someone in my office with my stuff laying around and my son's picture frame right next to my computer. ha!

Drove to Huntsville. Got there late. But of course, my instructor was informed already that I'll be running late.

Sat in class all day. Surprisingly, I was able to absorbed and take in so much information that day. Considering how stress I felt especially from the night before, I managed to get 92 on my last test. I can tell everyone was anxious to go home since it was Friday. A fellow team member was lagging behind. As a good samaritan, I decided to help her with her test. With me helping her, she was able to pass the test and allowed everyone to be dismiss. So she was grateful of course.

I was in a hurry to get out of class because I have to drive back to get my son from his day care, drive to Anniston and drop him off to his dad. I probably drove a total of 400 miles that day. Proudly to say, I did it and did it well...

Following morning (Saturday) I had to work. We had set up a booth at the Black Magic expo at BJCC. With 4 Personal bankers on duty and three branch managers and one district manager, we dominated and had a good outcome from the event.

We represented the company. I got several boost from my managers telling me that I was very successful in generating prospects. I probably talked to 50 business owners and got 15 appointments from them to come to the bank and talk to me about their business banking needs.

I stayed there until it was time for me to leave.

Now, it's Sunday afternoon. I am packing to leave for Huntsville. I am waiting for Vance to be drop off. I made some major negotiation with his dad that I am going to CEASE driving every Sunday but rather have him drive here to drop him off.

With Friday being the same, I think I'm NOT really doing Vance a favor by driving all the way to Anniston every Sunday. If anything, he gets to spend more time with his father if he gets drop off to me.

I'm doing his dad a favor, and as of right now, that favor is costing me a lot of money. So I am going to continue the Friday drive but Sunday drive back is pretty much NOT an option for me. So there's that....

I'm going to leave here as soon as Vance gets here. I have made back up baby sitter in Huntsville where he will be staying while I'm in class. Fortunately for me, I work for a company that offers back-up child care--it's one of our benefits. So the center is booked and Vance will spend 2 days there while I'm in training.

Things are coming along. I spent some time with my friend last night and spoke to several over the phone. The house is clean, I have this new kick-ass laptop, I got a new phone, and bills are paid on time. Life is good and the basic is taking care of. For now, I'd give myself a five star and count this as a blessing considering the stress, ordeal and mishaps that I have to deal with lately.

Will try to attend Church tonight if possible. If not, next Sunday for sure! I was supposed to go with a friend to her church but she came down with a cold so I spent my morning configuring my laptop and cleaning the house.

Being able to handle, juggle, multi-task all this stuff and do such a great job at is is empowering!

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