Monday, February 7, 2011

Personal Banker training day 1

Today was the first day of training. Last night I was a bit anxious because this is the first time that I brought Vance with me. I really enjoy having him with me. He's my little travel buddy.

Got up pretty early today. I was anxious to hear from my back up child care rep to let me know that the daycare center that they've booked for Vance had a vacancy. I have to say, they were extremely helpful and executed things in a timely manner.

I got a call informing me that the daycare center is ready to go. What a relief!

Arrived at the training with plenty of time to check e-mail, make phone calls etc. That was not quite as stressful as I thought.

Today and tomorrow is all about loans. We're covering policy and guidelines for all sorts of loans/lines. Consumer, car, home, etc. Leaning about the federal regulations, compliance, procedure and what not. It got pretty slow and very boring towards in the middle that I had a hard time staying awake.

It's really good for me to go to this. Not only that it's a paid training, it is also good for my career advancement.

Not to brag or anything but the "asian" side of me prevails when it comes to lending, finance and banking matters. My fellow team members love asking me questions and asking me for help--especially during the final assesment. LOL. I love helping of course.

Of course there are boring and mind numbing topics to cover such as Reg-D, Reg-E, Reg-Z, Reg- DD, HMDA, RESPA, etc.

For the most part, it's pretty interesting actually. Our trainer is great. He's very knowledgeable and full of resources of course. It feels like dejavu for me of course. I was just here 7 months ago.

Tomorrow is our last day here. Vance and I will check out in the morning and I'll pick him up from the day care after work. And from there, we'll head back home.

I want to take this boy to the museum but the weather is is extremely cold!! I might bring him back here this summer..

Alright, getting tired. Going to do down the lobby and hang out by the fireplace with Vance while having some soda (milk for him). lol

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