Thursday, January 28, 2010

A quest that's always been on my TO DO list. Believe it or not...

So I have decided to petition my aunt to migrate to the US as a non-immigrant. I am trying to get her here on a tourist visa. Much to my dismay, it involves all kinds of bureaucratic process just to file the darn B1 visa(tourist visa) First, I had to call USCIS to get some information on eligibility, then they referred me to CBP for visa information, then CBP told me to call the NVC ( National Visa Center) AND the U.S embassy in the Philppines. So here I am, have started a quest, an exhausting quest may I say..

So start with a bunch of reading. What to do as a first step, collaborate with my aunt as far as what she needs to give me. Every alien that comes to the US (non immigrant)shall be presumed to be an immigrant--meaning that the person is intending on staying permanently. Therefore, every applicants that they received are under extreme scrutiny.

In order for me to petition my aunt to come here, she needs to build a case and a compelling reason for her to return to the Philippines. Meaning, a strong ties to her financial assets, family, property etc.. In other words, a good case to convince the US consulate that she will return and that she will not over extend her visa.

So I've gotten myself this little mission lately and that is to petition her. As most of you might think and ask why on earth is it so darn intricate to come here? Well, I think you have to have some major exposure to foreign countries and U.S immigration, international policy and knowledge to really comprehend this. Which in my case, I have quite a bit since this is what I have to go through in order for me to come here and eventually become a citizen. After 11 years, I have finally become a U.S citizen. But that's beside the point right now.

Back to the topic about me petitioning my aunt: I called her today and told her to start gathering those important documents. Documents such as her deeds for her properties (land, house etc). Proof of her employment that shes been for 20 years, retirement funds statement that she will be drawing as a Filipino citizen, birth certificate of her two children, and basically ANYTHING that will prove that she intends on returning and have ALL THESE reasons to return!

See, I came from a huge family. I've always been around people growing up. My surrounding was always vibrant, busy, fun, messy, loud, interesting and chaotic!! Being a solitary was never me. I've always like being around people. This is not only culturally but it's also part of me that grew up with 9 siblings that hates being hermitical. I have a profoundly extrovert personality....I'm not a loner. That's obvious by now...As I was explaining this to my roommate tonight, there's a reason why the depression rate, alcoholism problems are low in the Philippines. If you're constantly surrounded by a lot of your family and friends, even your worst stress can diminish just by having those people to laugh with, come home to, and complain at. (Getting side track again here)...My point is....I realized that I cannot possibly bring everyone here. But right now, it would be nice to have my dear aunt here. She's a wonderful woman and she taught me a lot of things...I want her to visit me since school is out right now and she's a teacher. Hoping to get her a tourist visa and what not.

This should be interesting dealing with the U.S embassy in Manila while I'm here. Granted that it is the US embassy, the people that answers the phone when I call are filipinos and man, it is sometimes hard to understand them. I attempted talking to them in Tagalog but as a policy, they are require to communicate in English. So you see where I am going with this...haha. Okay...I'm bad.

I'm hoping this will be an uneventful process for everyone. I wish there's such a thing as buying her the plane ticket, tell her to go to the airport and hop on the plane. NOPE!!! This is only possible if you want to go to some unknown, non progressive third world country...Not if you want to set foot in the U.S! Which I totally understand fully.... This IS the best, most elite country in the world after all! The government and the constitution has it right by having this kind of immigration law and policy. After all, it is NOT a right to come here but it is rather a priviledge.

I'm glad and grateful that I've became a U.S citizen. Just wish that my family back in the Philippines are too! How wonderful would that be if they're all here!!!

Alright..that's my random thoughts..Not too mundane this time (I hope)...haha.

Gosh..I love blogging. I can say whatever I want...LOL.

Monday, January 25, 2010

From California to Alabama. I can be home.

It's been a week since I have been back from California. It was two years ago the last time I visited the city by the bay. Haven't really had a chance to think about my trip since I got back, but tonight, as I was driving on my way home from work, I was talking to a friend who's thinking about moving back to Calfornia. He was enumerating some cities that he's thinking of moving to. I've been to several of them...They're all nice, desireable places to live. Cities that are close to San Francisco.
Needless to say, my initial reaction was to feel a bit envy. I wanted it to be me. To have the flexibility of being able to just pick up and move to wherever I want to.
I started to think about all the good things that I had done while I was there for a short period amount of time--the city lights, the night life, people from all over the place/world, mix cultures, ethnic restaurants, diverse crowd and unique venues and places that I went to. Wish I could sit down at Starbucks in downtown Palo Alto again, have that coffee with my friend while people watching and admiring the city. Just being in a predominently liberal population (don't stone me for this)city feels natural to me. I didn't want to leave...As I stopped paying attention to what my friend was mind drifted off to thinking about California for a brief moment.
As I was gathering my thoughts, a sudden realization smacked me right on the face..I thought to myself as I was looking around--there are things to appreciate and beauties around here, too. The southern charm for instance. But I haven't really given it a chance before because I was soo busy day dreaming and allegorizing where I live (Alabama) to California--a place that might not even be very suitable for me and my current situations.....( A mom who heartedly believe in family value).
People need to let go of their pre concieved notions because there's plenty of amazing things to appreciate here in Alabama...It doesn't have to be the hip coffee shop on the University strip in downtown Palo Alto, the over price housing market, the overprice consumer service and goods, the fast paced lifetyle etc..
It might not be the most fancy, "crunk" city in the world, however, it has a lot of good values, family simple life that most places do not have. You can find it here if you open your heart to the little things. Southern hospitality--it is nice. I've never felt that kind of warmthness anywhere else.
So there I was- -having an epiphany. This place is beautiful. This place had been very good to me. Granted that this is where most of my major life changes occured, so many good things has happened here for me too. So many memories to treasure here. And for now, it might not be CA but this is where I am. It's my home. There's no need to fight where I'm destined to be. Whether that be temporary or permanent..I should live in the moment and stop longing to be somewhere else.
Come to think about it, perhaps it's the superficial lifestyle and culture that I'm really missing. I won;t even elaborate this one. It'll take me all night.

I've gotten several blessings while I'm here and they continue to come. It is now time to give back, to appreciate, to stop looking back and to fully submerge myself to accepting that I am HERE. Make the best of it. The concept is not about which state you should live to define happiness and find success. These things can be achieve anywhere ..whether I live in the city by the bay or in my sweet-home-Alabama, it is in me to find those little things and carve my own destiny, satisfaction and a place to call HOME.
That's my thoughts for tonight. Too much random babble but it feels good to write.

Anyway, here's pictures from my CA trip...Oh yea..I also cut my hair shorter while I was in CA. Ekkk!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

And it has come to a full circle.

I haven't really written anything that is worth writing lately. It's been months since Erik and I decided to go our seperate ways. Needless to say, life's been VERY busy for me. To condense everything and vaguely describe the recent situation, I am still living in Birmingham, and have Vance during the week. Erik is still in Tuscaloosa finishing up his third year of law school and will move to Atlanta shortly after graduation. This is going to be a new ordeal for me to deal with once he moves. But that will be a bridge that I will cross once I get there. The important thing is, Vance will still get to spend an equal amount of time with us. This is only for a year so it shouldn't be too bad.
This past months, I have to say that I have learned so much about life, myself, people and from this entire experience. I'm thankful for the revelation that I was given through prayers, and it has helped me substantially decide which road to take--and that road is where I am at right now.
The older we get, the more we get to know ourselves. We become more aware of why and what we're really here for.... I only have one life to live and I've realized that I need to start making the best of it. One way to deter fear is to realize you only live once, do not be afraid to take risk.
As the world evolve, things come and go just like everyone and everything else. Relationship is unfortunately the same. Half of marriages ends in divorce in America. A very sad fact. I can't help but to feel very cynical about the matter sometimes. Is our modern society making it too dificult for our generation to have a successful, lasting relationship?... Do we face too much stress on the daily basis? Perhaps stress that's not normal for a modern human being to handle. I question myself this.
As part of this process, I have also learned that in order for us to survive emotionally, you need to alter your expectations when it comes to dealing with relationship (it's not all about your "humanly need")
It was an emotional experience getting married. And now that I'm exiting this commitment, I need to submit my resignation (a.k.a divorce paper) and once that's been decided, there's no point in looking back. Generally speaking, you somehow need to desensitize yourself in order to minimize emotional damage.. Sounds extreme? I think not..
Needless to say, changes can be a stressful process...But regardless, everything needs to be process carefully and logically.
Moving forward with every strength that you have left is important. My son needs me to preserve my strength to take care of him. I have no other choice here but to move forward, learn from this experience, and do whatever is best for me and my son.

I am having to write the above statements to give people a better understanding of where I currently stand. And this plays a huge part of me being able to deal with every situation that I am being given in front of me. For instance, Vance had a birthday party last weekend. Erik and his significant other came. Attended the party, had fun, showed Vance how much he was loved and everyone conducted themselves like a proper adult--which I am thankful for. No need to bicker and be hostile to each other. Some people cannot comprehend my ability to be such a good team player. But the way I look at it, things are progressing to where it should progress. I simply cannot fight or stop it. So what can I do..absolutely nothing BUT be civil and nice.
That being said, I am thankful to god that Erik has found happiness and found a girl that seem to care and love him. This maybe hard to believe but I happen to think she's nice and real. And so far, I see her interact nicely to my son--which is VERY important to me. Because god knows what kind of wickedness I am capable of if I find out that someone has ill intention for my son...
My son is my life, my world and I care so much about this boy. I'll do what's best for him.
So here's some pictures from Vance's birthday party last weekend. I am thankful to those who attended...Have tons of other things to say right now but I really need to go to bed!! I have been wanting to start a blog and tonight, I'm glad I found some time to do so!! Anyway, pictures are at the bottom!