Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fun night in PA!

Last night I went out with someone for dinner. Needless to say, I had a great time. It's not fun being stuck in a hotel room while I wait for Rajni to get off work so that she and I can do things together. She typically doesn't make it back to the hotel room until around 4. But then again, I spend most of my day sleeping, recovering from the night before (staying up, talking on the phone, facebook etc...)

Lucky for me, there's a place across the street from where we are staying that I have found. It's a nice pub/restaurant. Cool place to go for food and drinks.
So last night I went there, had a drink and went to a Thai restaurant with someone that I met from here. The experience was pleasant. But I thought it was funny when he brought to my attention that I have a Southern accent!! OMG! I thought my sister was teasing me when she told me a year ago that I had a country accent. I guess she was right because last night, another person just confirmed the same thing.

The experience last night was kind of refreshing. It's a good change from the entire Alabama atmosphere and venues. PA state is not bad at all. People are friendly and there's a lot of bigger cities nearby.

So a lot of people have been commenting about my "glow" ...That..I don't know how to respond to. All I know is...I have been getting a lot of rest lately and my stress level is at a very minimum stage. That must be it right?? LOL

I miss Vance. But I'll see him soon. I spoke to him yesterday and I'll call him again today. I am sure Erik is keeping him busy with video games. It's Vance's favorite past time! haha. soon as I got on this person's car last night, this song came on. It was on his playlist together with the other songs that I also listen to!! How awesome!. But this one particular song is stucked in my head. It's the first time I've heard this. It's a remix of the song of Rihanna and Eminem (I love The Way You Lie). But I like this one better. It's very well made and it flows. So here's the song!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Allentown, PA

This trip had been wonderful so far. We went to NYC Sunday and had a blast. One thing I noticed while I was there, everyone that were walking around were pretty much from all over the place. Not New Yorkers. It was such a melting pot. It reminded me so much of CA.

Rajni is at work during the day. Living me with not much to do but relax in my room. haha. Luckily, the hotel is next door to a wonderful pub. So during the day, I'd spend my day lounging around and catch up on things that I wouldn't otherwise do when I am at work. It's great! When she gets back from work, we go to all kinds of places. So far, we've covered the mall and great restaurant.

I went to the branch today and brought her lunch. The branch was all informed that I am a Personal Banker back in Alabama. They were very friendly and accomadating.

I really, really like Pensylvania. It's close to everywhere. It's diverse, modern and it seem to have everything that I want to do. Or perhaps, I have been deprived from "normalcy" from being in Alabama that anything that I see aside from Bama seems great! LOL

So yesterday when we went to NY, I noticed all sorts of fashion. I really love the fact that I can look around and see what people wear and look at what I wear and I completely in trend with the current fashion. I'm glad that inspite of bad economy that have lead to an extreme convervation, I have managed to keep up with my fashion...I don't think it has to be compromised if money or lack thereof is the issue. You can recycle a lot of things, repair old clothing or mix and old with the new. And from there, you have implemented your own unique fashion. LOL

I always get told by people that my style is young, professional, sleek, sophisticated, classy with a twist of a little bit if "sexiness".....Someone told me this lately and it just stucked on me. I guess you can combine all those description with a dash of sexiness. Hey, everyone's got their own unique style. So if mine happens to be those description that I mentioned above, I WILL TAKE IT! lol.

This trip has brought major positive impact on me. I have been doing a lot of self reflection lately. It has helped me cultivate some answers that I've been needing to receive.

There's a saying that you can get to the good without going through the bad. I feel like that's what happened here.

Some people back home have been keeping intouch with me. To say hello, how's my trip etc. It's wonderful to be missed! :-)

I spoke to Vance tonight. I miss the boy terribly. I hope he knows that mommy is recharging. Mommy needs a break sometimes so I can provide better care for him.

This is it for tonight...Tomorrow is an exciting day! :-) Good nights!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A reality check for that 48- year-old woman in McCalla. This is for you. HATERS!

Okay, so I am sitting at the airport waiting for my flight to board. I am beyond excited that I am finally getting a full week of vacation. This time, I'll be doing absolutely nothing but RELAX. My best friend have forewarned me that while I am away and spending time with her in Philly, I am estopped from bringing all the junk that has happened in Alabama the past several weeks. I am banned from discussing depressing issues and any negative aura.
While I am sitting here, I thought I was going to write MY response to the whole mishaps that has happened last week. After all, waiting at the airport for your departure is not the most exciting experience.

I would like to address that lady who has made such malicious comments about me on public a forum. She pretty much ambushed me out of nowhere. I met this lady 3 months ago. Hang out with her 2 twice. She happens to be friends with two of my other dear friends. The four of us have gathered in her house ONE time. She caught me in my most vulnerable moment when I was going through a break up (one of the break ups). I divulged a lot of information to her--unfortunately. I was ranting and she happened to be one of the recipient of my rant and frustration. From there, she gathered information, drew her own conclusion and her opinion about me spiraled out of control.

When she heard I reconciled with my estrange ex, she went through the roof followed by flaming e-mails on facebook and slinged all kinds of derogatory insults my way!..But now that I am no longer with him, she's still got her panty's on the wad.

Her reaction was mystifying considering that it's none of her business. It confused me as of why MY life and my choices affected her SO MUCH to a point where she's making volatile comments about me on facebook. She would update her status that would mainly talk about me subtly---I am this, and that. My life is full of "rubbish" and I am going nowhere! Bi-Polar much?
She's watching my every move on facebook, tagging herself on one of my pictures that I've taken and tearing it to pieces with her words. It's almost like an obsession. Two of my friends have intervened and asked her to stopped. I begged her to stop addressing me on public. She outright refused. I finally dropped the issue and told myself, this is a moot point. I didn't defend myself due to time constraints and lack of motivation to exchange childish jabs.
This woman is 48 (or so) years old mind you. So she's got a good 18 (maybe more) years of life experience than me. You'd think she'd be more mature or wiser! NOT!

I have came to realization that her extreme reaction towards MY personal life came from a deep seated pain that SHE herself experienced in the past. She shared something to us about her previous ex (prior to her current husband). I remember seeing pain in her eyes when she talked about this ex. His name was John. John apparently deceived her. He betrayed her and was not faithful to her. She shared how John lied to her about the engagement ring that she has discovered. When she confronted John about it, he indeed admitted that it was for another woman that he's been seeing. She also told the story about the love letter that fell out of John's wallet. It was a love story that was exchanged between John and the other woman.
It's transparent that she had her heart broken and was subjected to an emotional pain. My heart goes out to her and the plight that she had to experience with this guy.

If the explanation to her hostility has something to do with her past, I don't think it's fair. Getting cheated is a terrible thing!..I feel like she's taking her latent angry emotion for John ( an ex) and the other woman towards me!...She's connecting her painful experience to my current experience. She views me as a "MAN TAKER"...But the thing is..I didn't take HER man. LOL.

This woman is also a self-proclaim daughter of god. It makes me sick that she would speak religiously while attaching all kinds of venom in her words to inject it to me for the purposes of making me suffer and to induce emotional pain.

Two of my close friends tried talking to her and asked her what really is the matter? The explanation she provided was utterly bogus. She said she turned against me because I was NOT letting my ex pay his child support...She also added how I was selfish because I have not done anything to show that I love and support his children. Ummm....hello....first of all, I DID NOT prevent him from paying his child support. The guy was an employed, thus no child support can be contributed to 3 of his children.

And as for "showing" love to his could I possibly do that when they're not even around. (Three children came from TWO DIFFERENT women). They live in two different states. Again, this is none of her business.
The only explanation to this whole thing is----->>>>she's got a personal vendetta against me because my ex left his previous relationship to be with me. Therefore, her sympathy doesn't get rewarded to me but more so for that woman that my ex was with before me. Ummm....yea...*rolling eyes. Pitty party!!!!

I doubt that this woman will secede from attacking me. She's gone through the extreme to get a reaction out of me. She's also disregard my physical look by "comparing me" and the woman that my ex was with before me. Which I can see where she's coming from with all of this (victim mentality). It's ironic because she never met the person..I know she's just saying this to hurt me and get a reaction out of me just like what my EX did. (Said all kinds of aweful things because he was hurt and he wanted to hurt me as well).

And how could she possibly gather an accurate comparison?.. It's not like I don't know who she's comparing me to...haha. I HAVE seen the person. In fact, I've hang out with her many times for several months. .NOTHING special about this woman. She's a pure version of "plain Jane"...I can tell you this much.....I don't think being a 4'11 with double F breast size is attractive. And I don't think having a "mannish" looking face with BIG nose and teeth that looks like a horse is what I define PRETTY or attractive. And I don't think being 4'11 who weights 150 lbs (when I met her) is what I would consider hot. According to the people that have seen her, she looks like a "DUDE" who have gone under the knife but the doctor have made a major critical error during a surgical procedure and have given her TOO MUCH BREAST...
I really have nothing against the person whom she's comparing me to, but I would just like to make a valid point that the comparison is beyond ridiculous!

Beauty is beyond the physical. Personality, values, intellect and the other components counnts as well. But as an overall statistic, the person she's comparing me too is NOT EVEN IN MY LEAGUE. It's almost saying that Dolly Parton is BETTER looking than Megan Fox or a super model from Victoria's secret. But then again, beauty is about perception. What she perceives as beautiful might not be what the rest of the population agrees on. I'll just leave it at that...I am aware that I am stepping to her level by responding to her critques; but I think it's the only way to deal with her.

This 48 year old woman from McCalla is a "SUPPORTER" of my ex-husband's ex.
I also suspect that she's collaborating with him to hurt me. Due to the fact that there's legal/criminal consequences if he attempts to contact me, she's playing the part as an accessories. They are friends on facebook. Figures. She doesn't realize that she's just being used as a proxy....Poor old lady. *sigh* She's either extremely bored or she has developed a "Jamie disorder" haha.

I have lost ALL respect for this woman. And as far as me not having a purpose---ummm....I HAVE AT LEAST BORE A CHILD FOR 9 MONTHS AND HAVE GONE THROUGH THE EXPERIENCE OF BIRTHING ONE. What's your purpose Miss lady from MCalla? You are almost in your 50 and you will never be able to feel what is it like to have a biological children. Talking about curse and damnation? Look at yourself, there's a reason why god did not bless with with a child. There's a reason why you have NEVER experience the joy of pregnancy, the tears of happiness when your child is born. That's a blessing that most women are given. YOU don't have that. Look at yourself in the mirror before you fling judgements my way.You're supposed to act like a role model because of your elderly wisdom. But you have no concept of that do you?

I think my environment and my success can speak for itself. I am young, capable, intelligent, and full of potential. Unlike you, it's not too late nor am I too old to achieve the things that I have not been able to achieve successfully. The world is mine. LOL. I am successful in my career, I HAVE A CHILD, I am beautiful and sky is the limit. You, however is stuck with what you have. It's too late for you to change or achieved the things you don't have. You'll NEVER have a child!!!

And oh yea...are you even getting a driver's license soon? You're making me laugh....
I'm sorry to disappoint you but I am actually quite happy and content with my life. I've hit some rough patches lately but it's getting so much better and it will continue to go improve from here.

I've tried my best to make a marriage work..But I was investing my effort and energy on a wrong marriage and a wrong person. I was going down the path that his ex-wife was. He was slowly losing his respect for me. Became extremely possessive and aggressive. I showed him that I am NOT the type that would condone disrespectful behavior....Person he was with before me had an extended and ample patient for his disrespectful and abusive behavior.... NOT ME. She stucked around in spite all the abused and the lack of love for her. Again, NOT ME... I am not at all desperate. I have options. Tons of options! I refused to live that way. I DESERVE MORE THAN WHAT HE COULD OFFER. To condense this, I was pretty much a diamond that fell on his lap. I know that he feels intense anger towards me. He felt like I "used" him and never valued him... Maybe I did, maybe I didn't...LOL

My plane is now boarding so I better close this. I want to show you that you're NOT the only one who can hurt people's feelings. I am TOO! But if you can't resist the inclination to badger me, then by all means do it. I am not going to let you bully me again. Via public forum, telephone or in person. BRING IT ON GRANDMA! You picked a wrong person to have a fight via writing! LOL.

Now, let me enjoy my paid vacation with my best friend while you go to work and fry those catfish... And from now on...anything you'll say about response would be "KISS MY ASS!!!". *****Refer to the picture above. You don't can't act respectfully, you don't deserve my respect! You have lost all credibility!!!HATERS!!!